Friday, July 10, 2009

What is arguing?

OK! I asked my husband if he could please help the boys get their baseball bags ready the night before and I'll be in charge of ensuring the uniforms are ready... Sounds fair, huh? Well here we are a day later and he didn't do it and I reminded him about my request for assistance. He said, "Dam man, I don't want to argue! I will try to help out. Just please make sure they check their bags and are ready to go!" Wow that worked out well! I think he is ready to make a change and start pitching in! WHOO-HOO!

What's even more funny to me is, why do they act like they don't know why the hell we are mad at them. I get this from my husband, "What the HELL did I do this time?" Maybe it's not what you's what you DIDN'T do, DAM IT! Why don't they understand?

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