Thursday, July 9, 2009

What a Day...

Follow my story and let me know if you can relate in any way or have any advice that you would like to share. I have been married for 16 years! That's over 45% of my life! WOW! AND boy when the judge said, "For better or worse," hell I should've ran! What he should have said was, "Do you take this....for poorer or brokest, if he abandons you and make throws all the responsibilities on you, if he takes "IT" even though you said, "No!" after you fall asleep, for worst or horrible!" But NOOOO - He set me up! Momma never said there'll be years like these.

My dad always told me, "Baby, don't get married...Get yourself a dog!" Did I listen, HELL NO! I did the total opposite and at a very young age. I got married 5-months after meeting my husband 4-monts before my 21th birthday. AND MY PARENTS LET ME! They were probably tired of taking care of me and was glad to relinquish that responsibility over to someone else! See YA!

Things were great at first of course! That's the way it's supposed to be... We used to go everywhere together. We held hands, he opened doors, we kissed at the red light, green light, stop sign, waiting to make a left turn... Hell, now I can count on one hand the last time I actually french kissed my husband... But I won't jump ahead.

What happens in a relationship to make one just go dormant? I don't understand? It takes hard work, fair-exchange, companionship, a little give and take... Sometimes I just think some men/women are just happy to have some in-house loving, that they don't even care if the person is truly happy to be with them.

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