Friday, January 22, 2010


I haven't blogged in a while. Been too busy arguing and trying to keep my head above water. At first I wanted to start a blog and have everyone read it and give their input... Then I thought about it and really didn't want anyone I KNEW PERSONALLY to know what was going on inside my head.

I have a lot of issues and pain that are reoccurring in my life and cant seem to catch a break. I don't know what to do from one moment to the next. I have an outlet, but I only am privy to it a couple times a week, sometimes just once a month. Not having any female friends, in whom I can confide makes it really tough to get this mess out of my head and gain some sort of perspective on/of my life.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Why is everything considered an argument?

OKKKKKK! Haven't blogged in a minute....

I am having the most difficult time communicating with my husband. Not just abut us, but about EVERYTHING! If I say something to him, the first thing he yells is, "MAN, I DON'T WANT TO ARGUE!" We can't communicate in any way without him blurting this famous phrase!

What do I do!

Friday, July 10, 2009

All Done Cleaning The Mess

You know what? I wouldn't be sooo mad if I was cleaning this crap up off my own bedroom floor and bed.... IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN??? If that were the case, hell I am sure the spillage would have been well worth the ELBOW GREESE I just expended cleaning that beige carpet! HOLLA!

Disclaimer - LOL

KMKF - kill my kids Friday - metaphorically speaking of course!!!

TGIF - Thanks guys! Mommy Loves You

TGIF! It was a beautiful day today. Sun was shinning, no too hot...just right. The sky is clear tonight. I can see the city lights from my room and its breath-taking! But guess what I am doing? I am cleaning CHOCOLATE PUDDING off the carpet in the boys room. They didn't want me to have to clean up the pudding because it was late, so they covered the SPOTS up with a gaming chair! K.M.K.F.

What is arguing?

OK! I asked my husband if he could please help the boys get their baseball bags ready the night before and I'll be in charge of ensuring the uniforms are ready... Sounds fair, huh? Well here we are a day later and he didn't do it and I reminded him about my request for assistance. He said, "Dam man, I don't want to argue! I will try to help out. Just please make sure they check their bags and are ready to go!" Wow that worked out well! I think he is ready to make a change and start pitching in! WHOO-HOO!

What's even more funny to me is, why do they act like they don't know why the hell we are mad at them. I get this from my husband, "What the HELL did I do this time?" Maybe it's not what you's what you DIDN'T do, DAM IT! Why don't they understand?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

What a Day...

Follow my story and let me know if you can relate in any way or have any advice that you would like to share. I have been married for 16 years! That's over 45% of my life! WOW! AND boy when the judge said, "For better or worse," hell I should've ran! What he should have said was, "Do you take this....for poorer or brokest, if he abandons you and make throws all the responsibilities on you, if he takes "IT" even though you said, "No!" after you fall asleep, for worst or horrible!" But NOOOO - He set me up! Momma never said there'll be years like these.

My dad always told me, "Baby, don't get married...Get yourself a dog!" Did I listen, HELL NO! I did the total opposite and at a very young age. I got married 5-months after meeting my husband 4-monts before my 21th birthday. AND MY PARENTS LET ME! They were probably tired of taking care of me and was glad to relinquish that responsibility over to someone else! See YA!

Things were great at first of course! That's the way it's supposed to be... We used to go everywhere together. We held hands, he opened doors, we kissed at the red light, green light, stop sign, waiting to make a left turn... Hell, now I can count on one hand the last time I actually french kissed my husband... But I won't jump ahead.

What happens in a relationship to make one just go dormant? I don't understand? It takes hard work, fair-exchange, companionship, a little give and take... Sometimes I just think some men/women are just happy to have some in-house loving, that they don't even care if the person is truly happy to be with them.